team: becs

Episode 52: COVID-19 and the 20/21 Season (featuring interview with Tim Koleto) - Transcript

Kat: Becs, I don't know about how you but I have really not watched a lot of figure skating at all this season.

Becs: I think this is the least figure skating I've watched in like a decade, almost. Granted there hasn't been as much, but even considering I didn't watch a single program until Cup of China, that's like a solid 8 months that I didn't watch figure skating.

Bonus: Worlds 2020 Montreal Guide feat. Lilah Fear - Transcript

Karly: I forgot about poutine. I need to try poutine when I'm at Worlds.

Lilah: You do. I have to admit something, on-air... it's kind of embarrassing. I haven't had poutine since living in Montreal. [Karly laughs.] Should I be fired?

Tales of the Blade: The History of the Zamboni - Transcript

Evie: Honestly, I would like to see a Flight of the Valkyries but Flight of the Zambonis, just a bunch of them cresting over a hill - [cue the music]

Becs: That's the epic we need to produce!

Evie: Coming this summer “The Flight of the Zambonis.” [music swells] One Zamboni driver against the World!

Becs: Sounds about right.

Episode 45: Japanese Nationals 2019 - Transcript

Evie: But I think one of the most surprising things out of this whole Nationals is just how well Shoma did overall. [Becs: Oh my God] Honestly, is Stephane some sort of witch?

Becs: What coven does he run? Literally master of the arcane arts. What the hell happened in Switzerland?

Episode 41: Rostelecom Cup and NHK Trophy 2019 - Transcript

Kat: It’s a testament to the fact - especially for “Chaplin” - there’s a lot of commitment that has to be had to be able to pull off “Chaplin,” and they really commit the entire time with the facial expressions. They don’t lose steam and I think losing steam is what would make this program suffer, but they really commit to it the entire time.

Becs: They even commit to the “Black Swan.” Xinyu’s eyeshadow, man. Everyone should take note and follow. This is the sort of makeup that you should be doing. I appreciate also Adrian’s commitment to the clown makeup.

Kat: We appreciate men in eyeliner and eyeshadow.

Episode 40: Internationaux de France and Cup of China 2019 - Transcript

Niamh: When someone lands their jump, you expect to see some snow, but you're not supposed to see liquid water.

Kite: Like this is advanced snow.

Niamh: I was [talking] to the ones sitting beside me, I was like “We might as well be watching synchronized swimming.”

Evie: Polar ice cap synchronized swimming - coming to an Olympics near you!

Bonus: Banners, Flower Crowns and Figure Skating - Transcript

Lae: So, all we've touched on so far have talked about banners that have been professionally printed and designed digitally, but do we have any advice on making handmade banners, such as what materials to use or is printing kind of the go-to?

Gabb: I use printed just because I have a degree for it. It's easier for me, I know how to work with printers. But you can easily just make handheld banners yourself using paper.

Kat: [laughs] Lae sitting outside the rink at ACI drawing Yuzu and Wakaba banners!

Becs: The 4am Wakaba banner sketching session!

Lae: Yeah, from experience, you can just buy an A3 size piece of card and buy some gold stickers and a permanent marker. Honestly, it's just the thinking and it's the design that goes into it.

Kat: It's the thought that counts!

Episode 35: Photography and Figure Skating (feat. Interview with Joosep Martinson) - Transcript

Becs: Good costumes are such a draw in terms of just being like "Yes yes you are worthy!"

Gabb: Especially if they're sparkly!

Becs: Yes sparkles please!

Kat: Aka Ice Dance ladies.[Gabb: Yes!] 90% of the time deliver with their costumes.

Becs: Yes. One thing that is so beautiful about picking who you're going to photograph is ah Ice Dance ladies and ladies in general show up looking usually fabulous most practices even so...

Kat: And then you have the men with like 80% black costumes or monochrome.

Becs: Yeah it's tragic, it's a tragic contrast.

Tales of the Blade: 19th Century Rinks - Transcript

Evie: Well, you're not that far off, honestly. You're a couple steps to the left of what was actually used. Henry Kirk tried to emulate the feeling of ice using a mixture of materials and included in this mixture were salt, copper, aluminium and... hog's lard. Literal hog's lard - the fat from a hog - to make it slippery enough to skate on!

Niamh: Who's sitting in their kitchen one night thinking, "Oh, I know what I'll do, I'll make some fake ice using hog's lard!"

Evie: Obviously Henry Kirk thought that. So here's your ingredients: "30-50 feral hogs --" (hosts laugh)