team: karly

Bonus: Worlds 2020 Montreal Guide feat. Lilah Fear - Transcript

Karly: I forgot about poutine. I need to try poutine when I'm at Worlds.

Lilah: You do. I have to admit something, on-air... it's kind of embarrassing. I haven't had poutine since living in Montreal. [Karly laughs.] Should I be fired?

Episode 48: Canadian Nationals and US Nationals 2020 - Transcript

Karly: Today we have a guest host!

Aly: Hi I'm Aly Wein, and I'm the founder and editor of Edges of Glory. I'm so honored to be cohosting In The Loop this week with my girl Karly.

Karly: Yay welcome Aly!

Aly: Thank you! It's so surreal.

Karly: Seriously, I've been looking forward to this recording for weeks because we've had Aly on standby for an episode. You were at Canadian Nationals so it's perfect for you to host this episode.

Episode 39: Skate America and Skate Canada 2019 - Transcript

Karly: So Skate America was jop central, ladies.

Sam: Oh, Jesus.

Gina: I love this joke. I don't care.

Sam: Would you like to sing it for us, Kar?

Karly [singing as music plays]: 'Cause when we jumping, it’s popping, we jopping.

Gina: Boom boom boom!

Karly: Boom boom Dubstep. [Hosts laugh]

Interview - Piper Gilles

If you could let the figure skating fan community know one thing about you, what would it be?

The whole community? Oh jeez. I’ll do a funny one. I recently got a lot of money in Animal Crossing.

Are you looking forward to the new Animal Crossing game?

Oh yeah. I’m now donating money to the Town Square to windmills and create paths so I’m very excited about that.

That’s amazing. I love Animal Crossing.

It’s so fun! I just learned a cheat code to get more money and I’m like “Sssh I’m paying my mortgage!” It sounds so ridiculous

Episode 37 - Autumn Classic International, Lombardia Trophy, US Classic and Nepela Memorial - Transcript

Gina: It is also quite demanding to go up to Seniors because a lot of Juniors will see that as an opportunity to improve their technical content, but they do also have to get out of the habit of being "Junior-ish" in their presentation. I think that would be a good reason to keep a program, so that you can mature it.

Lae: Like cheese. [Hosts laugh].

Karly: A good program is like cheese.

Lae: Yes, it needs time and loving care.

Episode 33: Figure Skating and Popular Culture - Transcript

Yogeeta: Even in post-Olympic seasons, they are basically only showing people who are about to retire or like someone who's still young and fresh and plans to keep competing. People can get to know them here in this space and then follow them into figure skating.

Karly: You know who I want to see on Dancing With the Stars? Jimmy Ma.

Maryam: Oh my god, he would be amazing.

Yogeeta: Jimmy Ma would be my favorite person to see on Dancing With the Stars.

Tales of the Blade: Ulrich Salchow - Transcript

Tilda: It seems that was just the way he was because he also offered one of his past medals to Dick Button. [Karly: My dude!] in 1947, and Dick Button at that point came second but Salchow felt that he should have won and a lot of people agreed because people were super salty about judging here. [Salchow] was like, you should have won here -- have this medal!

Karly: Ulrich seems like a pretty respectful dude. You know, giving away his gold medal to who he thinks rightfully should have won. That takes some stripe of character.

Tilda: Right but it's also very savage if you're not competing.

Karly: That is also savage. He's like, I beat you but I'll give it to you.

Tilda: Yeah, at this competition with Dick Button, he wasn't even competing. It was like this other dude who won. Gerschwiler won and then Ulrich was like, no.

Karly: [laughs] “You did not win. Uh-uh, not on my watch.”

Tilda: It was like really savage.